Author: Marie Wikoff
Expert Healthcare Designer, Victor Sanz Shares His Understanding Of Biophilic Design

DMG Interiors Managing Director Victor Sanz has been working in the healthcare design sector for many years, providing solutions for transforming healthcare facilities into healing spaces. In the interview below, Sanz shares his understanding of biophilic design. Sanz On Biophilic Design When asked about his experience with biophilic design, Sanz responds: “First, understanding the principles of […]
Philips and Disney Announce Partnership to Improve Radiology Outcomes for Children

Earlier this month, Philips and Disney announced an exciting new partnership that may improve radiology outcomes for children. The ground-breaking research will study the effects of custom-made Disney animation on children undergoing MRI scans. In most cases, an MRI scan can take up to 45 minutes. During that time, the patient needs to stay as […]
Ronald McDonald House Charities Northern Nevada’s Renovation Complete

Wikoff Design Studio (WDS) donated its time and services to help the local Ronald McDonald House renovate the interior of the house and add much-needed bedrooms. With the over 500 man-hours and furnishings that were donated by WDS, and the dedicated service from John Anderson Construction and their generous donations, the House made this major […]
Experts Agree – Infection Control Is Critical Now and In the Future of Healthcare Design

Earlier this year, Healthcare Design hosted a roundtable discussion bringing together a panel of professionals representing healthcare owners, designers, and product manufacturers. The session was held to discuss the evolution of design and specific products that support the healthcare industry’s infection control initiatives. Attendees Mark Alan, senior vice president, product management and development at Inpro […]
Flex Space is Today’s Demand in Healthcare Design

Flex space is today’s demand in Healthcare Design and for good reason. With the healthcare market needs changing so fast, it only makes sense that the facility can also change and adapt. Have you been in a hospital room as of late? Almost everything is mobile right down to wall partitions. This is because a […]
Warm and Inviting Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic

Each month, features up-and-coming projects in healthcare design. This month, they featured the Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Fredericksburg, VA and gave us a first look. The design elements that stand out the most are the warm and inviting entry and the correlating historical significance of the location. See it below. (source) The U.S. Department of […]
First Look: Philadelphia Neurological Institute

Each month, features up-and-coming projects in healthcare design. This month, they featured Philadelphia Neurological Institute and gave us a first look. The design elements that stand out the most are the transparent entry, the number of glass windows that allow abundant natural light, and of course the sculptural staircase wrapped in a warm welcoming, […]