The Future of Healthcare Design

With generations of people turning to virtual life, what does the future of healthcare design look like? The simple answer is that it will incorporate the virtual lifestyle where possible. Some of the ideas you may be seeing for the future of healthcare design are listed below. To read the full article click here. Virtual […]
Mercy Health Graduate Center

The building of the Mercy Health St. Rita’s Graduate Medical Education Center has been completed and is open for students. It is not only important to design health care facilities that are beneficial for the patient but also medical facilities that are designed to help future health care professionals learn their trade. Mercy Health Graduate […]
A Path to Mental Health Design

Charting a path for mental health design is important because one in five people experience a mental illness and one in twenty experience a serious mental illness. With the number of people who are experiencing mental illness on the rise health care designers need to start thinking about ways to improve the design for mental […]
Humanity Centered Design

Healthcare designers get the opportunity to brighten, cheer and unburden many of the harsh realities that patients, their families, and healthcare providers face every day. Through design, we can provide the optimum environment and reduce healthcare costs. Patient-centered care is a mindset for designers that seek to improve the patient experience. An example of this theme […]
Inviting Atmosphere for Young Patients

Going to the doctor or spending time in a hospital can be extremely scary, especially for young children. Having a more inviting atmosphere for young patients helps them to feel calm and safe. This feeling can lead to better outcomes in their health. Continue reading to get the highlights of the article or click here […]
Medical Buildings Still Needed

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses went out of business or struggled to survive. The one area that never waivered in strength was the medical field. Medical buildings were and still are in high demand. With the increase in population in what used to be smaller towns, these buildings are needed now more than ever. […]
Healthcare Design for Optimal Mental Health

Healthcare design for mental health patients is on the rise. With the number of patients who receive mental health care increasing, healthcare design also needs to change. Mental health design within healthcare systems is meant to ensure that mental health patients feel comfortable seeking the treatment and help that they need. The highlights of an […]