Author: Marie Wikoff
Designer Brings Confidence to the Lives of Women Delivering Colorful Scarves and Conducting Color Therapy Painting Classes

Anyone who has watched a pink sunset on a summer night—knows that color can be healing. A few years back, New York-based designer Tanya Taylor put the idea to good use in her new partnership with Memorial Sloan Kettering hospital. Taylor had already taught color-therapy painting classes for the hospital and designed curtains for its […]
Rethinking Healthcare Design

The epidemic has had a significant impact on the American healthcare system, speeding up the process of transferring patients from hospitals to outpatient settings. While allowing the hospital to concentrate on long-term and highly specialized care, moving the treatment of less serious or critical conditions off the hospital grounds can help limit exposure and transmission. […]
Curved Architectural Features, Soft Soothing Colors, and Celebratory Artwork Welcome Patients In a D.C. Birthing Center

Community of Hope (COH), a non-profit healthcare facility in Washington, D.C. serves as the only freestanding birthing center in the capital city. They provide quality, compassionate care, and outstanding patient experience, regardless of insurance or ability to pay. The healthcare providers and support staff engage patients and seek to keep healthcare affordable and accessible. […]
Healthcare Design Impacts Everyone

No matter what kind of design or change it is, healthcare design impacts everyone in different ways. Some designs benefit the patients while leaving healthcare providers with a different feeling. A hospital in Australia did a recent study on this and below are the results of what they found. You can read the entire article […]
A Virtual Healthcare System

Many healthcare companies are looking at having a virtual healthcare system. With virtual reality on the rise, it can give people the chance to seek medical help from wherever they are. One hospital in Saint Louis Missouri has taken this virtual healthcare to a whole new level. They have embarked on a new model for […]
Healthcare Innovations

As technology becomes a bigger part of our world and daily life, new healthcare innovations are created to incorporate technology. A hospital in Santa Clara California is the first to put this thought into a reality. It’s the chance for people to experience things that they wouldn’t already be able to do. Read more below […]
Patient Rooms of The Future

What do the patient rooms of the future look like? By studying the preferences of each new generation, healthcare designers can develop ideas for healthcare facilities that support the needs of today’s patients while planning ahead for those of tomorrow. As millennials emerge as the nation’s next big demographic wave, their ideas about the healthcare […]