Children’s Hospital Celebrates Thanksgiving a Little Early
Patients, families and staff came to celebrate at the annual Thanksgiving party sponsored by the Children’s Hospital University of Illinois. Read the full story here. “There’s great food, great joy and many, many hugs,” said pediatric oncologist Mary Lou Schmidt as she surveyed the lively scene around her last Saturday in Student Center West. About […]
Summoning Nature for Healing

More and more hospital administrators are realizing that certain design components can change the healthcare experience. One of these components is a healing garden. It is not a new idea however, it is being implemented into healthcare design in refreshing, new ways. Overall, a healing garden offers relaxation and stress reduction. It’s something we all know […]
Bringing Natural Elements Closer to Patients, Family, and Caregivers

Stacked Sky Gardens: Several new thoughtful design approaches have emerged in healthcare architectural and interior design. Each approach stems from Evidence Based Research and stands out both for it’s form and function. Evidence Based Research has shown that exposure to daylight and nature accelerates patient’s recovery time and increases productivity of physicians and caregivers. The following […]
Good Bye “Plunk Art.”

“Plunk Art” a term coined by a well respected design professional, defines “plunk art” as a practice that occurs when a remodel or new design occurs without the art program in place as part of the original plan and design. When that happens, the art becomes an afterthought in the overall design. Janell Baglien, […]
Children’s Hospital Halloween

Childrens Hospitals are helping kids enjoy Halloween with the help and donations made by Spirit Halloween and those that shop there. Below is a great video on one such hospital that hosted a Halloween parade for over 60 kids. Because many of the children are on restrictive diets and cannot eat candy, nurses treated them […]
LED Lighting Changes Trends in Healthcare

Of all the elements needed to build new healthcare facilities or update existing ones, lighting has undergone the most changes in selection criteria. Lighting has been rocked by the growing use of LEDs (light-emitting diodes). This shift has changed the way architects, lighting designers, and healthcare facility decision-makers approach this specific piece of the design […]