Wikoff Design Studio Celebrates 5 Years!!!

Five years ago today, Wikoff Design Studio officially opened for business… As Marie Wikoff celebrates the five-year anniversary of business, she would like to recognize and show appreciation for clients, vendors, family, friends and all those that have supported her endeavours. Wikoff wishes to express sincere appreciation to her past clients for their loyal support. […]
VA Hospitals Take on Evidence Based Design

In the last couple of years, the Veteran’s Administration has opened new hospitals in Las Vegas and New Orleans, with more new facilities being built throughout the country. Instead of the stark gray hallways and rooms of the past, the VA is striving to make their facilities more patient-friendly. When the VA Medical Center Complex […]
Waiting in Style and Comfort

Who likes to wait for a healthcare provider? Whether it is 5 minutes or the dreaded hour, it’s nobody’s favorite thing. Fortunately, hospitals and other medical care facilities are starting to realize that the design of the waiting room can help people to feel more “comfortable, appreciated and valued.” The following article was recently published […]
A Hospital Designed by Children….

What happen’s when you let your patients – which in this case are children assist in the redesign of a hospital? Something extraordinary! Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, UK did just that and is set to reveal and open in the summer of 2015. The following post is from BDP’s site and may be seen […]
Doorway to Design…

Designers, architects, facility planners, and owners have a lot of details to cover on every project—decisions that impact a patient’s health and experience. At the top of that list is remembering who you’re designing for and knowing that patient’s journey—from the parking lot to an exam or procedure room and back out again. Below is […]
Health Care as it Should Be

The following information is inspired by an excerpt from another article published on Soliant Health Blog. Additional info was gathered off the Eisenhower Medical Center website and can be accessed here. Eisenhower Medical Center *Not-for-profit hospital located in Rancho Mirage, California Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage, CA A patient-safety-based-design that incorporates evidence-based processes into each patient room, and […]
Desert Flower

The following information is an excerpt from an article written by Tera Tuten about the Top 20 Most Beautiful Hospitals in the U.S. in 2012. The original was published on Soliant Health Blog and may be seen here. A delightful LED-infused “desert flower” theme with a fantastical “waterfall” of light puts anxious patients at ease. […]