Wikoff Gives Local Ronald McDonald House an Inspired Kitchen Makeover

Wikoff Design Studio (WDS) is donating time to help the local Ronald McDonald House redesign their 25 year old kitchens. The Ronald McDonald House provides comfort and care to children and their families by providing a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost. Many families travel […]
Outside a Hospital’s Walls

The idea that the built environment can have a positive effect on health outcomes is a generally accepted truth today. But what about the community outside a hospital’s walls? What effect can a healthcare campus have on the health and wellness of its surrounding area? Think “total health environments”… Hospitals and medical centers have historically […]
How Important is a Positive Atmosphere for Kids?

Jessica, age four, enters the hospital for the very first time. She looks around and tries to determine what happens in this space? Will it be an interesting place to spend her days? Will she be supported as she is treated for illness? Can she continue to grow and develop here? Jessica will discover the […]
Designing to Heal – Children’s Retreat

Recent changes taking place in healthcare overall have inspired design projects for organizations all over the country. Due to reform and parity laws, access to care is anticipated to rise, and health insurers are now required to provide comparable benefits for both medical/surgical care and mental healthcare. In response, Brattleboro Retreat, a psychiatric hospital in […]
Starting a New Legacy

Let’s face it … no one likes to go to the ER. However, it doesn’t have to be the drab, dreary place of the old days. A group of physicians in Texas have discovered a way to make emergency room and urgent care visits a little less stressful and frightening. They created two facilities in […]
Camp Pendelton Hospital – Designed with the Soldiers in Mind

Our soldiers should have whatever it takes to get them well as quickly as possible… In December, 2013, Camp Pendleton, a U.S. Marine Corps Base near San Diego, opened its new Evidence Based Design Hospital. Over 70,000 active and retired military families are expected to use the facility which is designed to handle everything from […]
Warehouse Transformation

Stanford Children’s Health (a division of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and the Stanford School of Medicine) recently opened a new pediatric clinic in Emeryville, California. They transformed an industrial warehouse from the 1940’s into a clinic where children can get quality care in a more comforting atmosphere. The theme of the facility is “under-the-sea”. […]