Wikoff Gives Local Ronald McDonald House an Inspired Kitchen Makeover

Wikoff Design Studio (WDS) is donating time to help the local Ronald McDonald House redesign their 25 year old kitchens.
The Ronald McDonald House provides comfort and care to children and their families by providing a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost.
Many families travel far from home and spend several weeks or months to get treatment for their seriously ill or injured children – a long time to be away or to divide a family. For children facing a serious medical crisis, nothing seems scarier than not having mom and dad close by for love and support.
At every House, families can enjoy:
- Home-cooked meals
- Private bedrooms
- Playrooms for children
WDS is happy to help the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northern Nevada redesign their existing kitchens that feed the children and their families while they receive treatment at the local Reno hospitals.
WDS is re-designing the kitchens to fit into the Cape Cod beach feel of the exterior of House. The countertops will be replaced with a more durable Zodiaq product and the cabinets are going to be finished in a durable laminate. New lighting and furniture will also be installed to complete the look.
The “before” kitchens (shown below) are approximately 25 years old and needs a cosmetic make-over along with additional storage that has long been needed.
“Before” photo of the Northern Nevada Ronald McDonald House kitchens being redesigned by Wikoff Design Studio.
The house is currently looking for donations:
- Stainless Steel Appliances
- Construction Services
Each year, seven million children and families are served by RMHC – and more need our help. We want to support more children throughout their recovery, give more families a comfortable place to stay during a difficult time and provide a closer proximity to medical services for children who are without.