Hybrid Furniture Maximizes Space

As healthcare facilities strive to increase levels of patient care and satisfaction, they also must accommodate the needs of patients’ families and visitors, as well as nurses, doctors, and other caregivers. In the face of ever-shrinking facility footprints, this can be a daunting task. Space is at a premium, and as facilities incorporate decentralized nursing stations and try to fit more storage and supply areas within units, it can become challenging to also utilize space to create comforting, personalized patient environments.
As a result, the scale and flexibility of patient room furniture is a vital factor in overcoming space constraints and their resulting limitations on hospital room design. There is now a variety of new, multipurpose furniture offerings for healthcare facilities to choose from, including sleeper sofas that incorporate solid-surface side tables with built-in data and electrical access, and with underneath storage compartments for linens and pillows.
The use of hybrid products, such as patient chairs that also serve as recliners, helps maximize space. These multipurpose and hybrid offerings are an effective way to increase patient room functionality using smaller-scale furniture—ultimately resulting in more spacious, aesthetic, and productive environments for patients, visitors, and caregivers.
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