Hospital Administrators Look to Design Principles to Help Re-engineer the Customer/Patient Experience

Posted by on Dec 11, 2013 in Featured Artists and Inspirations
Hospital Administrators Look to Design Principles to Help Re-engineer the Customer/Patient Experience

healthcare-designMedical practitioners are starting to realize that better design can reduce anxiety, increase patient satisfaction, and even lead to better health outcomes.

An article from Atlantic Magazine “The Art of Healing” cites how hospitals, doctor offices and clinics are taking cues from cutting edge retailers like Starbucks and Best Buy to redesign the patient experience.

Medical practices, procedures and machines can frighten patients, cause unease or increase anxiety.   Research shows that simple elements like nature photos can ease their stress.

Other studies with subjects ranging from the severely burned to cancer patients … have found that looking at nature images significantly reduces anxiety and increases pain tolerance.

Hospital administrators are realizing that it’s not as easy as  hanging pretty pictures of nature  throughout the hospital.  The things that are working require design and architectural professionals to configure patient recovery rooms that get a good dose of sunlight and ensure that hospital rooms have access to windows with a clear view of blue skies and trees.

Studies have recently shown that patients with a view of nature had shorter hospital stays and required less “high-powered medication.

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