Healthcare Design: Create a Warm Inviting Space For the Holidays

Posted by on Nov 18, 2014 in Behind the Design

Holiday decorations in hospitals can be tricky because most common decorations are not suitable for use in a Licensed Care Facility and could could result in a citation from surveyors.

  • Natural cut Christmas trees, boughs and paper tree ornaments are a fire hazard and are prohibited.
  • Hanging decorations must be flame-resistant and hung in a way that does not block fire extinguishers, exits or visibility of exits.

Below are some great suitable ideas that we found on the web:

1) Nurses have all the fun!

Getting creative with office supplies is a great way to create decorations that are suitable for the environment.

Holiday Decore 1

2) Faux Everything!

Choosing faux christmas trees is a great alternative because most are made with fire-resistant materials. Putting the tree in the corner of the waiting room is a great way to greet incoming patients and families while still adhering to the safety codes.

HOliday Decore3

3) Decorate with approved materials.

Using medical supplies is another fun creative way to create the holiday experience in a safe way.  LED lights can be used without violating any UL safety standards.

Holiday Decore


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